Without hesitation (and in record time) my sister Tami located and purchased me 10 tubes of Loreal 825.
Here is the reward: Public love tank filling.
There is no better older sister than Tami. She has been there to protect me as long as I can remember. Whether we were at the bus stop when my name was being mispronounced (yes she would beat up those boys) to being my own personal cheerleader.
One of the most difficult times for me was when she moved to Idaho and I was left to fend for myself at Weber High (never mind we had to split up the earring collection). My double date partner, skiing buddy, Concert goer (who can forget Air Supply), Miss America pagent co-judge and pool shark was gone in the blink of any eye.
As a mom I could only be as good as she is. She is patient and would do anything for her kids. She researches, learns things the hard way and then educates/prepares me.
I have been blessed to grow up with you by my side and am thankful everyday for the endless support and love you give me.
I LOVE YOU!!! (oh and thanks for the lipstick)
Tami deserves a public shout out. Thanks Tami for all your hard work and planning on everything including family activities even though sometimes I know it seems like it is not appreciated.
We all love you!
How do you mispronounce Jane? :)
Nothing beats the oldest sister :)
Wow! That is so beautiful. Two beautiful daughters!
One is always helpful, kind and alwyas there and the other was always there and the fashion consultant and kept them both beautful. Luckily, they could both share clothes. I love them both! Mom
Tami is amazing. So are you! So is Alice. So is Joe.
My family is the greatest gift I ever got. I will be eternally grateful to all of you.
Thank you for always filling my joy (even if the return phone calls are slow).
I love you all.
this almost makes me want a sister :)
I have two older sisters, and they both rock! Wow, I think MY love tank is full after reading this post! LOL!
BTW - how do you mispronounce Jane? ;o)
Well what does a sister say to that?
I have a family here on earth. They are so good to me. I want to share my life with them through all eternity. Families can be together forever through Heavenly Father's plan. I always want to be with my own family, and the Lord has shown us how we can.
My love tank has been filled.
I love you, Laura.
From: the oldest wonderful sister that the blog was about, Tami
love tank? Is that allowed to be talked about online?
Jane - What an honor to your sister. One of the greatest traits we received from Gma O was unconditional love, your Mom has passed that down to you. It is very hard to do sometimes even as we go through difficult times in our lives, you should be proud. Tami what a great gift you got for your sister, those kinds of gifts, extra step kind, are so special - think you got your gift giving talent from your Dad!!!! auntie E
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