For a period of my life I was a Trekkie. Not the fawn over James Tiberas Kirk kind, but the I worship Jean Luc Picard kind.
My bird was named Data and if I would have had a son in that time frame my son would have been named Riker. I read the leadership lessons book from Captain Picard and viewed Dr. Beverly Crusher as my female mentor. In 1993 the weekends were spent watching the several recorded episodes. Still to this day I get shivers running up and down my spine when I hear the music with Captain Picard's voice to follow in the opening monologue:
Space... The final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. It's continuing mission, to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before.
Fast forward 2007, 13 years after the last episode of Star Trek the New Generation aired. I randomly put a StarFleet Academy quote on the side of my blog for my father's entertainment. The discovery occurs that my bff (who if 24 had a name for followers, would be the president of that club) has no idea about this Trekkie history.
Oh my, secret past uncovered. Memories of all of the life lessons learned. Confession, I still think Picard is hot, I still can't stand Deanna Troi's hair, given the opportunity I would hire Data in a heartbeat and would dress up as Dr Crusher for Halloween.
oh boy. you shoulda come to my house about 2 weeks ago. Desperate Housewives didn't record one night, and I was freaking out (of course) and trying to figure out why not. My roommate, I guess we'll call him (not the husband but the other one), had completely filled up the DVR with Star Trek.
I'm just imagining you watching "taped" shows back then.
How funny is it that there was no DVR?
Jane, you surprise me! My hubby is also a Trekkie. He's especially fond of the Kirk era, but he loves all of them.
I can't believe Kim doesn't know about Trekkies. Maybe it's pregnant-brain-syndrome?
I know nothing about Trekkies other than that they sorta freak me out! Scary that I'm with the Pg girl who had been deprived of Gatorade and cottage cheese for 33 years!
I was totally into with my dad for a week, but then I went to a star trek convention, and realized there were some trekkie weirdos.
Trekkie history is too freightening for words.
After attending a Star Trek Convention with Mom and meeting those women dressed up like like various Star Trek characters, Mom said that if anything ever happened to her I could just go there to meet a strange new woman.
Laura's Dad
Well, when you are in Las Vegas go to the Hilton and learn every thing there is to know about Star Trek. The Star Trek Experience is amazing. I undersatnd every thing you every need to know you can learn from Star Trek. - and I love Deanna Troi's hair. I would go dressed like her to a convention. Love Mom
Live long and prosper L \\//
The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many. :)
Make it so number one! :)
Oh no! I loved Jame T. Kirk. It was how I got Doug to fall in love with me
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