As many of you know the work candy jar grosses me out. Now with the holiday season there are many "treats" above and beyond candy that get dumped in the central location. The newest addition is a pumpkin pie. What's worse? That is was brought in on Monday and its still sitting there today, Thursday? Or that is was brought in on Monday and someone who shall remain nameless had a slice yesterday, Wednesday?
Could you possibly be any funnier?
Ewww! If it was left at my desk, it would be ok, because it's cold enough to safely hang meat down here! LOL!
ewwwwwwwww, I call it a draw on grossness factor
lol I have two thoughts....
1. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
2. Life is like a box of chocolate...when never know when you are going to get sick.
I can tell you what is worse, whats worse is when someone buys it new with mold on it.
The food needs to be dated. I am sure the chick the took the food had no clue how old it was. I totally have had donuts at work, only too late to realize how nasty they were.
Why are people afraid to throw away the food? That is the better question.
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