....Pull out their yearbook from the same age and review their state of mind:

I was the yearbook editor - great cover huh ? (yes I know, but it was the same year that Captian EO came out. Please give me at least one point for the good penmanship)

As mentioned before I was the yearbook editor. Why in the hell would I allow that phrase under my name in the candid shot. On a side note how spooky is the MMJ resemblance in this picture?

Not only does this page have at least 3 of my close friends (Amy, Tammy, Angie you are hot). But look how helpful I was at pointing out who was "going with who".

And as if I wasnt boy crazy enough, so helpful pointing out who all the boys are on this page.

Mike Moore is so damn funny. And I forgot I was "going with" Mike Noorda for the last week of 9th grade.
Last week I challenged you to utilize a specific phrase in meetings. When I return to work I will utilize "I know what (Fill in the blank) wants" as often as possible. Each time I will be thinking of this picture.
P.S. Nice shirt.
There were a lot of boys name Mike. So unoriginal. You really think MNJ looks like me? I will have to get my 9th grade yearbook out. MNJ scoffed at my 7th grade yearbook. You were always hot and all the boys wanted you. What a sense of style you have always had!
This is the funniest thing EVER!
-I love your bubblest personality
-sucks about you and Amy, but I still like you
Hansen not Greenwell
Yes, you are right...we should all look back and see who was paired up with whom back then. I haven't thought about him in many many many years.
Yes, you are right...we should all look back and see who was paired up with whom back then. I haven't thought about him in many many many years.
Great smile! This is so funny. I need to get my yearbooks my mom has at her house. I am still wearing huge glasses since I did not get contacts til 9th grade.
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