Monday, October 1, 2007

Remember when you were just a mid-fielder; before you became a soccer superstar?

Soccer weekend recap:
Jessica: Her first goal (rewarded with 2 scoops of ice cream for the whole family)
Raea: Another goal!
Owen: Played hard!
Sophia: Team lost, but she looked great!
Clark: Great teamwork!
Melody and Brittney: Damn that 14! Spectacular game!
Dallin: His first goal (rewarded with 2 scoops of ice cream and his long awaited Game Cube!!)
Alice: Sicker than a dog, played like a superstar


Kim Thomas said...

Sounds like everybody was awesome!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love this blog! Congrats to everyone! I am so proud of Dallin-- persistence pays!!!!!!!!!

BTW -- My body hurts in places I forgot existed.


Teri said...

what fun times!

Queen B said...

Congrats to all!