Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hot Babes, No Lies, What Scandal?

Just blog it, we'd love to hear about it. Kim is already the Vice President of the HCBC, however Sarah you are extended an open invitation.

Excellent job last night (and the hair looked great)!


Queen B said...

NICE! Yes, she did a great job. I keep having to remind myself that she's running for Vice Prez and not The Prez!

Ann said...

Hmmm. I didn't watch her speech. I've heard she did a great job. I'm not that impressed with her, really, though. :)

Paula said...

Please oh Puh-leeze tell me its a doctored pic.

Anonymous said...

I love Palin.

Kim Thomas said...

I love Palin!

LoSpace said...

I love Palin but not the 1st runner up in charge of my country. Let's keep the church n state SEPARATE please.

Anonymous said...

Palin's speech was great, she is fantastic. Here is someone who could really bring change. How all American can anyone get. You would think she is everything the Democrats want - an independent thinking, hard working, do it all, get rid of corruption kind of gal - and yet they are attacking her as a working Mom - give me a break. Go McCain/PALIN! (Love my conservative, independent minded daughters!) MOM

Ruth Anne said...

I loved this photoshop.

I can't believe that Dems don't like her more. She broke up the good ole boys in Alaska! I think they are still in shock.

P.S. What is wrong with a little church and state? Anyone heard of our founding fathers? In God we trust? Oh, wait...does that add morals to the U.S? You are right. That is a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

What does church and state have to do with palin? I agree with ruth and why church and state have its place but the seperation of church and state has no relevance to palin in this race and therefore should not have to even be defended.

Anonymous said...

I love Palin. Go McCain/Palin!
