January 2007 Kim and I braved the Donner pass from Reno to Sacramento. Prepared with our new Pearls and not much else we captured the best pic ever. Not only did this become the background photo for the pearls but became one of the proof that great minds think alike. I miss Reno.
Great pic!
ha ha. I love Donner Pass! I'm so bummed that I was never in Reno when the Fun Girls were!
You should have gone over Donner pass 40 years ago - that was scary! I am ready for a road trip. Mom
A true flashback, I went when Raea was 11 months!
That should be your best photo contest entry (Lois said subversively . . .). You are going to win just by bribing the judge, right?!?!
There are 1000 comments I could make on this one. I guess I will leave at this: We were on time to Ben's house....
I'm completely obsessed with Donner Pass. I haven't been there yet but by golly I'm going to go....
This looks super scary. You guys actually drove in this scary snow situation??
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