Tuesday, May 27, 2008

One of these things are not like the other

Can this many cop cars really need to be fixed? And the blue one, "Hey jr we got room for one more car wanna get that blue crown vic and I'll haul it?" Or is it just a decoy?

BTW not an easy picture to get :)


Andrea said...

You are quite talented to get THAT good of a picture while I'm assuming you are driving.

Well done. And I'm wondering if these are the same make and model of the police cars that kept catching on fire a couple of years ago when they get rear-ended. Maybe that is why they are all traveling together...

Queen B said...

very impressive :)

Yes, I HOPE you were driving and not standing on the freeway! That is not a good spot to be in.

Paula said...

How did I miss seeing this?

Anonymous said...

Off to the auction block so that more illegals can drive around looking like under-cover cops.. GREAT, just what Phoenix needs...

Jinjer said...

I will totally agree, the angle, the way you captured the photo - you did it with professionalism and precision. Way to go! :)

Jinjer said...

I totally agree - you took this pic at a super hard angle, yet you got the angle perfectly! You are a champ!

Unknown said...

what great photo skills!!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting! Mom

Bianka said...

And why are they heading to Los Angeles?? :)

Jenn Ann said...

Definitely impressive!

Ann said...

Interesting photo!

Kim Thomas said...

Wow, after reading all of these comments praising Jane for her photographer skills I must encourage all of you to read the article on discreet photographer she advised on. You can find it in Wired magazine, edition #35.