Back in Mesa with Tammy ("I'm here" when I was there") catching up on Utah gossip until 1 am

Southern Cal 7 course Greek meal with great company

Lucky to start the day with BFF (Iced Chai), Hot Chai and Hot Sydney
Love you all!!!!
I recognized Tammy before I even saw her name. Cute baby Sydney!
OMG, I love Sydney's onesie!
That is quite a day :) Love the pic of the 2 drinks
Queen B meant to make that a shared thought :)
Wow, Sydney is hot, and she isn't even menopausal! Cute outfit.
Definitely not bad considering you started the day by sleeping in.....
P.S. Your Starbucks cup and sleeve are not alligned, don't let it happen again ;)
I LOVE Sydney's onesie!!!
KT: Ease up on the OCD! LOL! :)
I noticed the cup. Great call KT! Adorable onesie and I love the BFF term usage!!!
I think Aunt Laura is hot!
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