Wednesday, October 31, 2007
If I had a Pearl (and accessories)
1. The woman at the airport who had a box of swiffer refills in her purse
2. Keri-Ann's sassy open toed shoes (and back up flip flops)
3. Rental car parking space #22
4. Desk photographs
5. My whiteboard artwork
6. The christmas trees that are still up at the airport
7. The woman on the plane with the new iopd but super huge old headset (makes the m12 look new)
8. The bag that holds the hair dryer at the Hilton (embroidered HAIRDRYER)
9. My terrible toes to compare with my moms halloween toes
10. The pumpkin decorating contest at the Hilton
Damn, I need my Pearl.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Self Humiliation

As we aged, there was the realization that if mom braided the hair you could sleep better and the waves were "cool"(see above, recent braids on vacation not intended for wear but a good bathroom photo--not so cool).
Fast forward as a grown up. Hot rollers, curling iron, and flat irons. The time in front of the mirror is time well spent (we are hot) and a much better night sleep!
Monday, October 29, 2007
The Office Memo (yes its real)
For those of you who are interested in participating in wearing a costume on Wednesday - I’d like to take a quick moment to brief you on a few important things.
-Check with your local department head to ensure your group is participating
-No mask may cover your face (you must be noticeable for security reasons)
-Jeans are acceptable if and only if they are a part of the overall costume (i.e., it is not an all out jeans day and jeans and a pumpkin lapel pin is not considered a costume)
-Some items are not acceptable with any costume (i.e., guns, swords, fire emitting devices, live animals, going barefoot, etc) use your professional judgment
-Costume must cover all parts of the body as normal business casual clothing normally would
Rule of thumb: If in doubt do not wear it! If management determines your costume is inappropriate for the workplace you will be required to modify the costume – which may require you returning home to do so.
Make it a great day!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Tribute to Ruth

Waitress: My name is Anne, let me know if you need anything
Brittney: Let me see her card, what was her name? Annie?
Mom: No Anne
Melody: Like Diane
Mom: Or like RuthAnne
Melody: I like that name is it her full real name?
Mom: Yes, she was supposed to be named Barbara Anne, Ruth was something that came up all of a sudden
Brittney: How much older are you than Ruth
Mom: 7 years
Brittney: Oh like me and Jessica
Melody: How much older are you than Joe
Mom: 5 years
Melody: How much older are you than Alice
Mom: 9 years
Jessica: How much older are you than Tami
Mom: She is 3 years older
Melody: Brittney is the first born so she is like Tami, then I'm second so I'm like Mom, and Jessica is third so she is like Joe
Jessica: I dont want to be like Joe
Mom: Well I guess it could be like Alice since you are the baby of the family
Jessica: Well why not Ruth, cause I look like her
Size Matters

Thursday, October 25, 2007
My third quarter birthday
What's your fortune?
Life always gets harder near the summit.
You will become more passionate and determined about your vision.
Dont be afraid to take that you step.
New and rewarding opportunities will soon develop for you.
You will achieve success this year.
Some like it hot. Eat more Kung Pao.
Time to break out of that corner, get that rut unstuck.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Overheard at Starbucks

Next we have the Asian woman that is a germaphobe. She has had latex gloves on since her arrival and is reading the newspaper. I have seen her here before.
I have run into one person from high school and one for CHW in Pasadena.
Sitting directly next to me is an annoying mother showing her 3 year old off to every person who walks through the door......agh, you know how much I love that ;)
And sitting next to me as I document is Joshua reading the newspaper. RO
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Another 22
Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon. ~Doug Larson
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Dental Hell
My visit Friday while longer than most had some significant milestones (yes if I had a pearl I could have captured these moments). While waiting to be numbed I worked on the laptop in the chair (Dr M is convinced I am a type A personality) and I am happy to report that for the first time in Jane's dental history I kept my eyes open during the entire mouth surgery.
3 hours down this go round only 20 more to go :)
Thanks for those that sent their love and especially for the great care I got.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
My nephew George

As a general rule I am not a pet lover. However, George over and over again has won my heart. He is the spoiled child at the Whitson/Young home. He has survived the brink of death in artic temperatures and closed in spaces. He also survived a year with Martha.
We love you George.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
For Amy
EMAIL SCATTERGORIES...it's harder than it looks! Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following....they have to be real places, names, things...nothing made up! You* CAN'T* use your name for the boy/girl name question.
Your Name: Jane
Famous Artist/Band/Musician: Janis Joplin
4 Letter Word: Junk
Vehicle: Jeep
City/Town: Jamestown
Boy Name: Joseph
Girl Name: Julie
Occupation: Java Analyst
Something You Wear: Jeans
Celebrity: Jessica Rabbit
Food: Jerky
Something Found In A Kitchen: Jar of Jam
Reason for Being Late: Jammed in Traffic
Cartoon Character: Jughead
Something You Shout: Joy
Guiness Book of World Records
Ok for those of you under age 30 you do not realize the significance of the world record book. Only the coolest people were in there: The tallest, the shortest, the fastest.
Paula and I read and reread the book for our entry. We decided early on that we couldnt (wouldnt) submit for the longest kiss or sports feat. Instead we decided we would get the worldest longest straw.
For months we worked on building the perfect straw after collecting a handful any restaurant we went to (we discovered early on that McDonald's was the worst because they straws were too big to try and connect with others). We would test the validity of the longest straw by one person holding the drink with the straw in it and the other sucking to make sure there were no leaks. I dont remember when/why we gave up on entering our achievement. I will tell you though--nobody had a better entry idea than we did!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
What if Halloween had no l's
Homemade (thanks mom for all those cool costumes) or store bought (at least they dont have those scary plastic barbie masks anymore)?
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
75 results for: grand
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
grand /grænd/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[grand] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation adjective, grand·er, grand·est, noun, plural grands for 13, grand for 14.
impressive in size, appearance, or general effect: grand mountain scenery.
stately, majestic, or dignified: In front of an audience her manner is grand and regal.
highly ambitious or idealistic: grand ideas for bettering the political situation.
magnificent or splendid: a grand palace.
noble or revered: a grand old man.
highest, or very high, in rank or official dignity: a grand potentate.
main or principal; chief: the grand ballroom.
of great importance, distinction, or pretension: a man used to entertaining grand personages.
complete or comprehensive: a grand total.
pretending to grandeur, as a result of minor success, good fortune, etc.; conceited: Jane is awfully grand since she got promoted.
first-rate; very good; splendid: to have a grand time; to feel grand.
Music. written on a large scale or for a large ensemble: a grand fugue. –noun
grand piano.
Informal. an amount equal to a thousand dollars: The cops found most of the loot, but they're still missing about five grand.
[Origin: 1350–1400; 1920–25 for def. 14; ME gra(u)nd, gra(u)nt < OF grant, grand < L grand- (s. of grandis) great, large full-grown]
Monday, October 8, 2007
Sunday, October 7, 2007
People Watching
When you travel for a work the airport becomes a means to an end. A way to move you from you from Location A to Location B. I think this is why my dad made such a big deal of making it an adventure for him and I.
Last week I decided to stop and watch at the airport. Not just to rush to my next required meeting. This as a part of my goal to enjoy the moment.
What did I see. I saw joy (Grandpa seeing his two grandsons and then kissing his daughter gently on the head), I saw pride (son dressed in fatigues, mom beaming as son points to her with a nervous laughter saying hey), I saw work ethic (chauffeur holding sign waiting for Mr. Thomas), I saw pain (the girl walking through the airport crying--would love to know her story) and I saw love (lots of it). If you want a renewed faith in mankind. Stop and enjoy the moment and the people around you. All with their own story, unique and beautiful.
All that from people watching.
Who died and made you Queen?
- Share the Joy
- I learn in layers
- Hi Starshine
- Shoemakers keep to your shoes
- Don't look for the pay or the title; look for the right organization and the right boss: the rest will come
- Who knew?
- Hope all is well
- Once more than 2 people know its not a secret
- Let me sleep on it
- If all else falls follow the rules
- Nice
- If you can't see me I can't see you
- Save your crisis for a crisis
- Tell me how great I am and I'll do anything for you
- Hey pretty girl
- Just love me
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Email exchange with DP
-----Original Message-----From: "DP - PHX" Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 15:32:00 To:'janesays@vzw.someemailaddress.net'
Subject: RE: Thank you
You are welcome. You're awesome. I was telling Melody you were in a meeting and would be down in about 15 minutes and that you are usually in meeting all day. She asked if you still got paid because you were in meetings and not working? :)
-----Original Message----- From: janesays@vzw.someemailaddress.net Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 3:03 PM To: DP- PHX
Subject: Thank you For all you do for me.
My sincere gratitude. JS
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Thank you to the Mayor

There are so many things that are funny about this Welcome to Phoenix.
1. It is a small sign near the Nascar exhibit, who really sees?
2. Noone uses Terminal 2
3. 90% of the flights go in and out of Terminal 4. It is incredibly inconvenient to get to Terminal 2, why would anyone let alone military personnell go to a hospitality room instead of their hotel.
4. If I want a hospitality room in between flights why would I go to baggage claim to find out about it.
It is an election year. Maybe it is just good marketing.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Throw Caution to the Wind
Kinda like last week when I found out that the Houston Oilers no longer exist.
For Dallin: I thought it was odd too

Square Watermelons
A round watermelon can take up a lot of room
in a refrigerater and the usually round fruit
often sits awkwardly on refrigerator shelves.
Smart Japanese Farmers have forced their watermelons
to grow into a square shape by inserting the melons into
square, tempered glass cases while the fruit
is still growing on the vine.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Remember when you were just a mid-fielder; before you became a soccer superstar?

Jessica: Her first goal (rewarded with 2 scoops of ice cream for the whole family)
Raea: Another goal!
Owen: Played hard!
Sophia: Team lost, but she looked great!
Clark: Great teamwork!
Melody and Brittney: Damn that 14! Spectacular game!
Dallin: His first goal (rewarded with 2 scoops of ice cream and his long awaited Game Cube!!)
Alice: Sicker than a dog, played like a superstar