Jessica comes home with this artwork from school last week. She informs me that it is Presidents Day on Monday and she made the profile of the President's whose birthdays were are celebrating. She informs me that February 18 is neither George Washington nor Abraham Lincoln's birthday and in fact it lands in the middle of both of their birthday.
She then asks me if I know who is who on the profiles. I pointed to the black one and said thats Abraham Lincoln. She takes them back and says, "Oh dear. Neither one looks like Abraham Lincoln or George Washington." After further investigation with a dismayed voice she says, "my teacher said I did a good job but I dont think even their mommies would recognize them."
hmmm, the top one kinda looks like Ben Franklin. The bottom one looks like my grandma :) Both very important people!
I'm impressed regardless. That being said any mommy worth her salt would recognize her kid-- even if they kind of look like Ben Franklin and Queen B's grandma.
I can't tell who they are, but I am not too great at all with president's profiles! I will also say that she did a phenomenal job!!
Well, I think they are great! Good job, G'ma Rae
I have been contemplating what to say to this blog all day.
It's one of those that just stands alone. Jessica is the best!
Jessica--you did a great job!
Great job, Jessica!
I love listening to kids talk. How old is Jessica? I have some great stories I should share about my nephew, he is 2 1/2 and cute as can be!!
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