Friday, February 1, 2008

Fox's longest running sitcom

The neighbors were my favorite:

"Married with Children: All in the Family (#2.22)" (1988)
Marcy Rhoades D'Arcy: Al, you know what the difference is between Steve's mother and a bowling ball? A bowling ball doesn't have a beard!
Steve Rhoades: It's one hair. One hair doesn’t equal a beard.
Marcy Rhoades D'Arcy: It is if it's six inches long and shaped like the letter 'V'.
Steve Rhoades: At least I have a father who's still alive.
Marcy Rhoades D'Arcy: Yeah. One who sold secrets to the ememy during World War II.
Steve Rhoades: That was never proven.



Jenn Ann said...

This comment is on your What is That photo:

When I think of meeting the Queen for the first time, I will forever think of her sitting at the top of these very stairs...very regal!

Kim Thomas said...

I bet you didn't know that a casting scout wanted to get me on Married with Children....thats a story for another day.

Queen B said...

LOL, Jenn! I was reigning over the stairs :)

KT - this sounds like quite the story!