Friday, February 15, 2008

Four Eyes

Plan A: Growing up I was just vain enough that I would sit on the front row in class so that I wouldnt have to wear glasses. It wasnt until I was 16 when I started to drive that I had to wear them.

Plan B: I would wear them but take them off for pictures. Up until this year I cant point out even one photo of me that existed with glasses.

Plan C: I finally gave in and got contacts.

Plan D: Since I quit wearing contacts on May 15 (even National Vanity Day didnt bring them back) I somehow started allowing pictures with my glasses. Even the HCBC pic has Jane in it with glasses.

Please tell me I dont look as awkward as Sophia Loren in her four eyes. I made need a contact intervention.


Jinjer said...

I think you look great in glasses and I think glasses are chic! So there! :)

Anonymous said...

You look great in glasses and you always have. Since I have known you for 22 years I should know. :)


Queen B said...

you look hot with or without glasses. And even after subjecting myself to Lasik, I could've used my glasses today :(

Paula said...

You wear cool glasses!!!

Anonymous said...

Instead of complimenting you and how pretty you are in glasses instead I shall defend sophia lorens honor and say I think she looks like a total hottie in her glasses and I hope I look that good when I am that old!

Kim Thomas said...

Friends for 22 years? That rocks! I will make this claim in 2028.

Jenn Ann said...

I've followed in your footsteps through Plan C...but I feel like a dork in glasses. You look hot though so perhaps it's all in my head too? We need to declare a national HCBC Glasses day!

Kim Thomas said...

P.S. I have more pictures of you in glasses than without

Anonymous said...

Sophia looks great, you look great - all is well unless you wear auto dark glasses in a picture. Mom

KFuj said...

I think you look great in glasses. I went through the similiar situation, I thought I was a dork and refused to wear glasses but I can't see. I can't wear contacts since I rub my eyes too much! Since this year I have given up and think I don't look so bad in glasses. You look HOT in glasses too!