Recently I found out that Kim has never tried energy drinks. As a connoisseur
of all drinks highly
caffeninated I decided to rectify the issue (thank you Southwest for the free drink coupons). I drank mine warm and Kim had hers cold. Let me take that back, I drank mine warm and then drank a little over 3/4 of Kim's cold one.

I also bought
swedish fish (another pure sugar vise of mine). Not a positive response either :(

She did introduce me to Taco Bell Fresco Tacos. I will be eating those again.
you had 1.75 monsters? I'm impressed
Those were so my drink of choice while living in CA
Kim has never had Swedish fish before?
You must try the Tortadas at Taco Bell. The are really good. Mom
I have never had an energy drink. I avoid caffiene except for chocolate. :) Love Swedish fish! Way to be daring!
Is this the before picture of KT tasting the fish?
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