Friday I was driving at came upon this dental sign. I laughed and laughed at the tooth logo that looked more like an over muscle-fied rear and legs than a tooth.
Then the Universe started playing tricks on me. Worse that seeing 22's I saw dental signs and terrible teeth logos EVERYWHERE. By the time I noticed that I had seen so many it was too late to start a photo collection (15+). And then I saw 8 more teeth logos. What a dental day.
Then bedtime came. I am sorry Universe, I am sorry Dental Gods. I am sorry Dr William E Ginz......
OMG - you need to be careful of what you zero in on.....Auntie Em
The good thing is you are not in pain.
So flipping funny! Did you actually make the dentist today?
LMAO!! And yes, that does look like a big butt and skinning legs!!
Research indicates that one should have dental procedures later in the day to ease bedtime routines.
Good Luck!
Oh dear - that only reminds me I really need to go to a Dentist. My jaw has been hurting for 4 days. I don't know who to see, but I do need to see a Dentist. Alice's anniversary only reminded me it has been 6 years since I went to the Dentist. No - lectures needed. Mom
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