It is said a picture says a thousand words. Hopefully with this picture everyone can see the power of prayer. Herston was taken off the ventilator on Friday night. By Saturday he was awake and trying so hard to communicate with his eyes. He has progressed significantly and if he can remember how to suck (therefore eat on his own) he will get a one way trip out of PICU to the childrens unit.
Thank you for positive energy and throughts. If he continues getting better he could look at going home at the end of the week.
Yeah for Herston!
Looking good buddy!
this is good news :) Go, Herston!
This is so awesome! So happy to hear he is improving!
Great news! Glad he's getting better!
Wonderful! How are Mom and Dad doing?
Fabulous news!!! Way to Go, Herston!!!
Herston is the Champ!! Keep getting better little buddy!
I hope this is Herston's last hospital stay for a long time. We hope Herston will be home soon so everyone can enjoy him growing up. Keep fighting little guy. Love you, Auntie Em & Uncle Gary too
Thanks everybody. He is starting to look human again!
how did I miss this post! This is great news! Keep the thoughts and prayers going for Herston!!
Good job little guy. Hang in there.
Today he is out of PICU and all the tubes are gone. He is still very congested but doing so much better. Thank God! Mom
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