Remember in Jr High when you first start learning about music. Back in the day you were super cool when you knew the artist and the song, It is not near as easy as today (quick internet search, xM radio just putting it out there for you).
So, flashback to 1985. OMD. I was so so so so so cool when I could tell all of my friends that OMD meant Orchestral Manuevers in the Dark (only because I stayed up late and the DJ on B101 FM explained it).
I always wondered what OMD meant. Figured it was naughty.
OMD - If You Leave - Takes me back. Pretty in Pink, one of the best movies ever.
Jane, I think you are the coolest person I know.
Jane Rocks! That song takes me way back, too! Wow!
If you leave, don’t leave now
Please don’t take my heart away
Promise me, just one more night
Then we’ll go our separate ways
We’ve always had time on our sides
Now it’s fading fast
Every second, every moment
We’ve got to, We’ve got to make it last
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