As I check a couple items off of the list the next one is run a marathon. Dad motivated me years ago, all the siblings rocked at PF Chang's last year and now Oklahoma in April. By the end of 2o08 I will run a marathon. There now it is said, now it just needs to be done!
Ok girls wanna run with me?
A few things:
1. Great pic of you and the girls!
2. My running days are over - they were short-lived to begin with. Large-breasted women shouldn't run.
3. You posted this at 2:22 - very cool!
I agree with Ann. Cute picture and large breast women shouldn't run.
I'm in let me know when and where I have my first full marathon in April and am up for another one later in the year.
Ditto Ann and this has inspired tonight's Rachel Made Me Do This Blog...
Great Photo of my favorite girls!!!!!
hmmmm... that would require a bunch of training beforehand, right? Sounds like a lot of work... Can I just pretend I have large breasts?
Honestly, it definitely could make it's way on my to-do list at some point, but apparently not this year :)
Why don't you train in 2008 for the Rock n Roll AZ in January 2009. It is a fun one to start with because there is bands every couple of miles, and I am doing that one!
I have run 2 half marathons and several triathlons with large breast-feeding boobs. Just wear 2-3 sports bras with vasoline; it works like a charm!
Love the picture! I'll skip the marathon but I'll be an athletic supporter. How about a hike? Mom
I am sooooo in. Tell when and where and I will be there! :)
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