Thursday, March 26, 2015

The seventh graders mom

CEM has been fighting a terrible cold/allergy/God knows what illness .  She finally went to urgent care yesterday and got some decongestant.  This morning I wrote a note for her to give to school nurse to distribute to her but she was worried I would need to take to nurse.  As it turns out she was right the nurse needed a special form filled out.  And we waited, and waited, and waited in the school office in this state.

When I realized that I was unprepared to be in office (sometimes we are oblivious) I told her we should take a pic.  She was unphased with my appearance before this request. 

So, in an effort to not embarrass her I took it as I was exiting.

The difference two hours makes 

And thank you to KSS for my new glasses 


Amy J said...

LOL, this is awesome

Sara said...


Andrea said...

The only thing that would have made this better is if you had been standing there in a house coat or at the least fuzzy slippers!

Kim Thomas said...

Those glasses..rofl