Remember the exhilaration when you first got your drivers license? It wasn't just a license to drive but a license of freedom. Freedom on the road - not having to wait for someone to pick you up, being able to listen to your own music, always being shot gun, and
choosing the path to travel . Those roads we travel take us to and from work and school. They take us to visit friends and relatives. They symbolize rites of passage - birth of a child, first date, senior prom, wedding, and even death.
Because roads are everywhere we often forget them. yet there is almost always a road associated with every place we go and every important event in our lives. Riding the open road triggers those memories of the important moments in ones life. Memories of the roads long since past and the thrill of those to come.
All that from a 342 mile ride.
What a great weekend!
Wow...a 342 mile ride! That's a long one! Glad you had fun!
Yay! One of the things the husband and I miss most about AZ is the road to Tortilla Flat :( sometimes you just don't appreciate things until you don't have them anymore.
This blog is one of my faves...what you say is so very true!!
What a long ride.
I prefer to sit back and just enjoy the ride, without doing the driving.
WOW! This has "The Way I See It" written all over it!
And just for memory lane....
1. If you are bored it is your own fault.
2. Epiphanies should never be broken.
3. Trust comes in many more ways then ordering someone elses dish.
4. The Way I See It #214 is still my favorite
5. Sometimes words nor pictures can say enough to tell someone how much you love them and appreciate everything they have done for you.
6. It would be so easy!
poetic truth!
Here's to the open road! Mom
You were too easy to find...
I am still jealous that you got the bike...
But so excited for you...this had to be such an awesome ride!!!
I hope I get to hear more stories.
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