Last weekend I sent Melody with my camera to the family reunion with instructions to take lots of pictures. Over the 3 day period she took 14 pictures.
While I am highly entertained by her photos and take of the world I have no idea how Troy's oldest or what anyone but my Aunt Darlene looks like these days. Anyone taking family pictures please send to me.
In the meantime, how funny is that model?
That mannequin looks creepy!
Someone got a nice manicure!
14 pics in three days??? You need to send her to the Kim1Champ school of photography, where the motto is "Quantity, not quality!" ;)
Despite the fact she didn't take any family photos I think she has a good eye for photography. Where in the world is the mannequin from? I will stay away from that store.
I am so proud of Melody's photography skills. The mannequin is hysterical! I so would have stopped for that photo.
Nice job Melody. Way to document your manicure for the world to see!
RO! Ann hit the nail on the head. Though, I do love the quality photos she took!
The mannequin was in the SLC airport - she knew her mother would love it. I'll share my pictures but we will need to get Linda's, Emily's and Paula's - because they took alot more than me. Anyway, it was a great trip. I'm not sure even I got any of Aunt Darlene or Joshua though. Oh well, maybe next time. Mom
Is that a current picture of the old homestead?? I haven't seen the church house in years....At least she didn't have pictures of me that look like yek....Love Auntie Em I'll try to download my pictures this weekend and email you a few.
I agree, that mannequin is beyond creepy!!!
that mannequin looks like the clown doll sitting in the chair in Robbie's "Poltergeist" I'll send you the snapfish link to my pics
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