Saturday, March 8, 2008

Hotel Hernandez

Rules of the Room

1. The room must always be clean
2. The TV go's off at 10:00!
3. All areas of the room must be cleaned everyday
4. No making loud noises inside of the room
5. Dirty clothes and shoes go in the closet
6. No talking about your hair falling out in the room
7. No eating in the room
8. No complaining about your life or your personal life
9. Lights go off at 1030
10. Work out only until 1030 in the room


Queen B said...

4. No making loud noises inside of the room

Whata if you see a mouse? Are there exceptions?

9. Lights go off at 1030
10. Work out only until 1030 in the room

Yeah, working out in the dark is a BAD idea... trust me on this one

Kim Thomas said...

I think I would be kicked out before 10:30......

1. Uh Oh
2. Uh Oh
3. Uh Oh
4. I'm Loud, Uh Oh
5. I can do this
6. I am not losing any hair these days
7. Uh Oh
8. UH OH
9. Does lights from your Blackberry count?
10. I can do this

Anonymous said...

Huh, OK. Mom

Jinjer said...

I am good with the clean room, not so ok about loud noises because I like to wrestle with my 2 dogs and that can get a tad boisterous and #8, I wouldn't be able to hang. I sometimes get in complainer mode and can't stop!

gramma nan said...

Well, I might as well not check in! No WAY I could make it through the night without violating #'s 1, 2, 6, 8, 9.

Anonymous said...

Just for the record... Mom didn't write these rules. 15 year old Jaqui and 12 year old Jacob managed this all by themselves... I wonder where they get the list idea from....

Chris... CJ