MJMs first Speech and Debate Tournament was this weekend. As this sport defined me I quickly signed up to help judge. Apparently the teachers had other need for my volunteer skills so we (MJM, REM, and CEM) manned the concessions stand for 8 hours (oh my lord I forgot how exhausting fast food/manual labor is).
When our food shift (what I affectionately called being the "have note") we watched the "haves" compete.
Not yet ready to compete, MJM watched her event- Extemporanous. Some brilliant kids performed and she may be choosing a new event less current event focused. She has a great team and is excited to be a part of it.
REM came to the semi-finals Lincoln Douglas Debate round with me. We both loved watching an amazing girl from Tucson nail it (unfortunately she placed 4th place).
CEM went to the semi-finals of HI (Humourous Interpretation), she begged to stay for the Finals round and watched 3 of the 6 performers in the second row totally glued.
I couldn't be more proud of all 3 for their volunteer sprit (MJM was at the school for an additional 6 hours finishing up last night and 6 more on Friday night) and their commitment to their chosen sports (REM made the Freshman basketball team, and not only came to help after her early morning practice (insert fashion no no here) but calculated she spent over 72 hours at Mtn View this week.)
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Good job volunteering girls.
I cannot believe they did not use you as a judge, who can I write a letter to?
RO @ pics at Girls room :)
Very pretty computer setup!
I am impressed and I was quite entertained. I'd like to go but not work concessions.
WoW, what a weekend.
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