1. From Amy: New sippy, but I love the card affirmation
2. From Kim: amen
3. From Alice: one handed
4. From Diane: being healthy: Ick
5. From Maddie: I so love u
Every other Thanksgiving is odd when it is the off year. While I missed being with my family and my moms traditions today, we were so blessed to share the day with the Evans, Sauers and Thomas'.
Awesome dinner (particularly my beets and the red cabbage) and incredible pecan pie (Carol, I am now laying in bed craving more). At the risk of being sappy: Kim, I am thankful beyond belief for your love and friendship.
And I played the role of historian with kims camera, as such I wound up with this as my only pic of the day.
Here's to popsicles :)
For MJM: My eldest born who is focused, careful and trusting. The girl who wants but is also so willing to give. My kind hearted girl who still believes in the human race. The one I would move to Disneyland with.
For REM: My second child (insert like her mama here) who is driven, loyal and passionate. The one I would take on a deserted island with me.
For CEM: My sidekick: the kid with an old soul, brilliant brain and determined spirit. No one makes me laugh or think harder. The one I would take to battle with me.
All beautiful and all with their own fashion style. My cutest and smartest offspring!
CEM is amazing at doing voice imitations. Commercials, cartoons, and movie catch phrases are repeatedly said until just the right inflection gets a laugh.
She has now started facial and gesture impersonation.
Apparently this is the face I make when I am thinking or perplexed that the auto lights are not turning off on the car.
1. From Kim: the end of Ariel
2. From Amy: the end of the sippy
3. From mom: Whitsons in the slipper
4. From Tarzan: jess in transit
5. From Kim: Sydney posing. :)!
My dad used to complain about Soccer Saturday. This weekend while watching the Larsen children (therefore becoming the mother of 5 different personalities over night), Soccer Saturday was trumped with a day spent transporting literally all day.
615 am MJM to Mtn View for Debate tournament
745 am make waffles
810 am REM to Mtn View for basketball practice
820 am pick up Dallin, get contacts
845 am all Larsens to choir practice
905-943 am shop at Epic thrift store with CEM, spending $91 in 37 min and getting gifts for many (to be highlighted in its own post)
1015 am transport REM and partial team from Mtn View to Frys
1120 am transport REM and partial to to maddie neighborhood and back to Mtn View ( fundraising)
1130 am pick up Larsens
1145 am attempt to pick up REM Mtn View (mom can I hang out with team)
1146 am leave REM at Mtn View
1215 pm pick up MJM Dobson High
1230 pm pick up chik fil a for all
130 pm take Dallin back to GPA
2-530 pm As you wish
532 pm Purchase Christmas in a cup
545 pm drop off MJM and CEM at second cousin party
6-7 pm make pot roast and hang 4 pictures
710 pm pick up REM and transport partial team home
715 pm attempt to pick up MJM and CEN (mom can we stay for desert)
722 pm declaration to all " I am putting on pjs and watching a movie, once I sit I will not be getting up)
725 pm make shakes for Sophia and Clark
740 pm start video
800 pm explain video to returning McKay children
915 pm answer door and deliver Dallib forgotten bag
930 pm stories and tuck in for CEM and Sophia
1000 pm start second video
1200 am the end good night
CEM had an orchestra concert on Thursday. I was informed late on Wednesday that a pioneer or Indian costume was required. Once again Tania Attic came to the rescue!
And CEM did great on her viola
So I bought new Oakley glasses July. They officially made it less than 4 months. Never have I invested that much money and transitioned to a new pair.
I got two pairs of Guess glasses yesterday and am not having buyers remorse at quickly discarding the other pair that wouldn't stay on my face. The pair that last week after getting adjusted to stay on my face got fractured lens resulting in viewing through lens that looked like Vaseline over them. Fun.
Yes Sara and Diane I do realize my contacts are an option.