1. How do you get your news?
2. Another 15 minutes of fame
3. Sophia looks bored to tears
4. Hey thats my seat next to Tamara Larsen
5. Carpooling will be easy in 2011
And the rest of the story
So, big news in the City of Mesa. The School Board met last night to discuss/vote on several changes in the school the system. The most controversial was moving the 9th graders to the high school. I weighed back and forth rather I should go and support the cause and decided against it (didnt want to deal with the drama and didnt want to break the 3 day streak of starting a new habit).
My sister on the other hand; super mom who got her boyscout son Clark to do the pledge of allegiance at the meeting did go. She has this inane ability to get in the news. I lost count with her bouts of 15 minutes of fame - but we are probably in the twenty count (the girl who pulls the number on loto, the expert on chickens etc)
Today I get an email from dad, followed by repsonse from Ruth and Tami that the changes passed with a "check out the Mesa Tribune". Tarzan even gets a text from Tami to see the Mesa Tribune.
I/We check the news online. Oh good it passed the end.

When I come home I pull out the paper and sure enough - the best "I am involved in the community picture" ever! And the story was better than that online.
I may need to change how I view my news.
So someone said to me today, "Why are you always in the news?" My quick response -- "I've got media news appeal". Right? Honestly, I don't seek it. So let it be known this is the last serious photo of me.
Way to go, Tami! LOL at Clark, he looks less than interested.
Way to go, Tami! LOL at Clark, he looks less than interested.
Not only another 15 minutes of fame but your hair looks great - good picture! Mom
It's not that I approve or disapprove of this new ruling, but I am for making all the schools in Arizona. I mean it is really wierd that Mesa is the only place here with 10-12.
Your family is full of talented people, each in their own right. Tami happens to be the media darling :)
Is the school that currently has 9th grade called a Junior High????? If so it will need to be chnaged to a middle school. I wonder if they thought of that?!
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