Megan is the best cook on the planet. So when she says she is going to make her homemade syrup (with buttermilk) to go with her french toast, I was quick to go to Safeway where the milk was on sale, even though she said they were sold out the day before.

Lucky me, I got the last one! As well as the Super Supreme Fat Free (the only other one on the shelf)
Looks like this town loves milk - Got milk - has a new meaning!!! Auntie Em
Are you kidding me? Never seen anything like that with milk before.
wowsers! is that a monsoon-preparation staple?
I now know what to stock up on before a major holiday weekend!
People in this town must have strong bones
A milk shortage? What is this world coming to?
And at church it was filled beyond capacity with summer/holiday visitors. It is beautiful in Eagar. Mom
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