Saturday, December 22, 2007

Not Just Another 22



Anonymous said...

You are cute!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mom!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, give me a dog treat!

Anonymous said...

Come celebrate with us!

Jenn Ann said...

Happy Birthday Kim!!!!

Ann said...

A happy, happy birthday to the Champ!

Queen B said...

Happy Birthday, Champ! Hope you have a happy day full of celery and carrots and such!

December 22nd is my 2nd favorit 22 day of the year :) behind my own bday, of course.

Adam said...

I have heard so much about you, Happy Birthday!!

Dora said...

Feliz Navidad!!!....I mean Feliz Cumpleaños Champ!!

Kim Thomas said...

Ask me how much I love my quilt? Best Gift of All Times!!!!!

And as a bonus it's finished 9.5 years ahead of schedule!

Teri said...

Happy Birthday Champ!