Any frequent flyer will tell you that traveling during the holidays is a drag. Lines are longer. Inexperienced travelers can't board appropriately, screaming children fill the planes. And well, people are just dumb. It makes getting from A to B an unpleasant experience. In preparation TSA has great new signs. This should only cause a 60 second delay per passenger as the stop to read the new security line instructions and marketing technique that will help them determine if they are packed correctly (are the really going to go home and repack?)
Too bad the person that packed the "right" way does not have a Pearl.
I agree, getting from A to B during the holidays really is an unpleasant experience but getting there as an SWA A-1 boarder makes it easier.
The TSA should make these into flyers, and the airlines should send one to everyone who buys a ticket. Wait, no, that woud just be more paper to recycle. Never mind.
Interesting signs. I wouldn't be surprised if someone tried to repack in line, hence, backing the line up even more.
LOL, Ann, I was totally going to suggest that.
Jane - you think people actually read TSA signs? How many people have you been behind with inappropriate use of liquids? And they have like a million of those signs year-round.
Oh I could never fly at holiday times. I would get way to scared I would do something wrong
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