Saturday night Marco excitedly reported out that he had seen me and Tarzan on a PBS show CHECK PLEASE. It took me a while to figure out which restaurant this was since Tarzan and I love targeting every hole in the wall, local, dining location from 7th Ave to 7th Street.
I finally figured out which place he was talking about. A great place called Hob Nobs. I have taken many guests there and shared my love of the owner a couple times. (I was complimenting her coffee one day and dissing Starbucks. I was trying to get her to bad mouth the big chain and she wouldnt. Finally I called her out on it and asked, "Do you like Starbucks". She modestly said, "I have nothing bad to say about them. Before Starbucks I had a coffee cart not a restaurant, after Starbucks coffee became a need not a want - With them opening the market I was able to open my dream place". I was absolutley enamoured with her response).
Super cool place. Nice PBS Highlight.
Oh yeah and I love Marco. When I played the 7 min and 39 sec clip today you can only see us in seconds 1:20 through 1:24 (it must be the badge that identified me).
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Settng the Universe in order
I have posted before about my right side vs my left side . I will state again I much prefer my left side. I am so lucky to have a BFF who appreciates my neurosis for posing for pics. Fortunately she looks as good on the right side as I do on the left side.
Oddly we posed this way,
Oddly we posed this way,
After reviewing the pic quickly changed sides.
The Universe just seemed out of order.
Millestone Party
Every year that I age, I love it even more. MJM and I had decided to celebrate this "big one" together. I had the some of the most important people in my life there (I missed my out of towners - insert frowny face here) and MJM celebrated with her closest friends. My best present of all was the completion of Pebble Beach (CEM won the naming contest for the refinished backyard).
Since I was the "socialalite - birthday girl" and didnt serve as the historian so I gave Kim blogging first blogging rights. Here is the follow up misssing pics that Tarzan took.
(2) A picture of all present HCBC members (Ruth is missing)
(3) David
(4) Photo of Ash and Laura
(5) The great food spread
(6) A decent picture of the birthday girls
(7) The gifts
NONE TAKEN (Awesome stuff though - thank you everyone!!!)
(8) The dance floor
(9) Rachel
Friday, January 27, 2012
Top 5 pics sent to me week ending 1/27
Thanks Rachel
From Megan: zoo visit, giraffe in honor of birthday
From Kim: headed west
From Tarzan: pebble beach is furnished
From Ruth: oh lord!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
New shoes

While this photo may not make you roll uncontrollably with laughter the background just may.
Poor Tarzan 31 days after purchasing this $249 pair of shoes from Kenneth Cole showed up on my doorstep with a broken zipper. Grunt, lay down, grunt, tug, pull, grunt (insert tools here), 2 hands, 2 tools, grunt, try to pull off, 4 hands, declaration that the zipper won't connect and that the shoe will not come off, swear, grunt, tug, pull, Jane cuts off the shoe.
Yeah the photo probably doesn't look that funny.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Say cheese
So I paid $22 for the Alcatraz pic cause I still can't figure out self portraits with the HTC rezound
And yes I kissed my husband through the glass while I was waiting indoors for the vehicle.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
It's raining its pouring (San Francisco style)
And Parc 55 has some cool artwork. I think I look like her
Friday, January 20, 2012
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