In 1989 Alice was the Editor for Bear Essential News, she convinced me to be the "Adult" Advisor. This was both of our first attempts at journalism (outside of the Wahlquist Jr High yearbook).
The best part was the media passes we got for local events. And she was a damn good writer even back then.
Wow, I never knew. Cool.
It was a great time. Even when I got to take her to the Coca Cola convention with my smelly hands (long story) but her article was fantastic. Mom
That is awesome. I don't write as creatively as I used to (although John just bought me a journal and wants me to start up again) but I do write all the time for work. I can write one mean letter! I have the worst memory though. I can remember the Coke convention and the article on the cool art guy but not much more than that!
Who new? Maybe she should have a blog. LOL (I'm kidding Alice, I know you don't want one but this rocks!)
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