The smell of fuel, scouring car part stores with dad, collecting aluminum cans under the bleachers, Shirley
Muldowney's pink suit, running to the time booth, cheering as loud as we could above the roaring engines, the long boring ride to Bonneville Salt flats, being a part of the pit crew, falling in love with funny cars,
NHRA embroidered shirts (before we had an in), that darn race in Bakersfield and mom kissing dad with the look of fear every time a race was ready to go.
Weekends have never been the same :)
There is NOTHING like the NHRA! Woo-hoo!
It's funny. I remember seeing the car in our gym and the stories, but I don't know anything about actually being at the races.
Great photo.
Wow! I had forgotten all about that car! I think I vaguely remember going to a race with y'all once!
Never knew.
It was good times. By the way the NHRA is in PHX Feb 20th and 21st. The smell of burning rubber and nitrous still get to me. Mom
Never done NHRA.....wish I witnessed this.
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