Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Road trip - 2 blondes
My hair has been red off and on several different times in my life.  

It was red the day I was born, it stayed as such until I was 9.  That was the summer it turned green.  

When I started at Wendy’s it was red.  As the butt of every joke (or endearing comments because I looked like Dave Thomas’ daughter) for looking like the company moniker I was usually assigned to cash register. These best days though, were the days that I got to worker the fryer.  Not because of the terrible smell that permeated my light blue striped uniform (and subsequently the hair) but because the hour old chicken nuggets were mine to do what with. I found they were better the drier they got. 

Blonde (done via hydrogen peroxide), red, blonde, red (1992 the year of the bad hair), blonde, red (henna), platinum 

And then Wendy’s brought back the spicy nuggets. Taste test proves I still like the traditional (hour old) better. And then CEM brought up the idea of being their CEO.  Hmmmmmmm maybe it’s time to go red again.


Alice said...

No matter your hair color I like you just the way you are.

Amy J said...

If you became CEO of Wendy's what would your main objective be? Bring back the salad bar and the clown uniforms?