Sunday, August 18, 2019

So I made it a post

If this were a blog post could be titled one of a 100 different things 

  1. Go ahead google SWAs seat saving policy 
  2. Do you not know me?
  3. This SWA flight attendant is my friend 
  4. If you are going to save seats don't do the front row
  5. My daughter is cuter and smarter than you
  6. I'll pick a fight - tonight 
  7. Have you read seat saving etiquette 
  8. My daughter would call you basic, I'm just not in the mood 

What they don't know is that SWA official policy on saving seats is

"uhhhhh do whatever you want”

What they also don't know is that if im am an A-lister, and the flight attendant likes me and you are threesome represented by one squeaky voiced chick with fabletic pants and a shell bracelet - He will tell you to move when the A-lister wants her 1D seat and you are saving it by lying across all 3 seats like a porn star model.

Maybe if this were a blog post I would call it 

The cost of being right 

But I am in my seat 

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