It's Arizona, It's April and It's hot. It is way too early to turn the AC on so it means open windows, blaring fan and kids sleeping the wrong direction (in the wrong bed) to get the most airflow.
It also means that when morning comes you cuddle with your sister to keep warm from the airflow and to try and hide from the sunlight.

I heard that April 28th is the best day to start turning the AC on.....
cute! Almost makes me wish I'd had a sister...
fan plus blanket equals good sleep
No air til June that is the rule in our house. Of course there are some exception. We moved here to be warm not cold. Mom
We just had our first days in the 80's in KY. I can handle the day heat - but the air comes on at night. Gotta get a good nights rest. Thermo is set at 68 degrees 24/7 in winter. When ever warm weather arrives - 76 in the day and 74 at night. Auntie Em
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