1. 2 people waited in line with glasses on

3. I was impressed with the OSHA friendly signs with their plastic coverings on the wall (and I got a spanish lesson :))

4. Not sure what this is for, but is definitely not for trash
5. Dude, I'm thinking not a great shirt to wear if you are taking a driving test today
6. Lane 6 is by far the most productive
7. The chairs are green and so were 11 of the 29 shirts in the place (however the people count doubled over lunch and fewer of them were wearing green.) Lesson here: arrive prior to 12:35 and it doesnt matter what color your shirt is
8.There was only one Harley shirt, but their was 7 people supporting sports teams. Athletics seems to trump 2 wheeled vehicles
9. The tallest and the shortest person in line arrived together

10. Other non photographed observations:
- There were 8 Christmas trees but no poinsettas
- Only 2 people used canes (real, not candy)
- The girls bathroom needed some decorations
- People in scrubs shouldnt leave their jobs to come to the DMV
- The weather outside is frightful (or so says the most obnoxious over worked Christmas song in a jazz tone playing over head)
I love all these observations!!
That is what I would do while waiting too.
I guess I would be on the athletic side of the bike.
I prefer to take a book and ignore those around me. :)
I think I know the guy in the HD shirt! If it's who I think it is, I met him a few weeks ago at a toy run! LOL!
RO! This is my fave post of the month so far... amazing observations
I'm with Amy
WOW @ Ann
pic 4 - only a trash bin for flat, rectangular objects?
lane 6 worker is my hero - what a multi-tasker!
Hey - for not being bored - too funny! Mom
#4 is my absolute favorite!
And poor Amy and Queen B. They are missing so much by ignoring those around them.
4. Maybe for recycle?
Good observations. I don't like when people leave their sunglasses on inside, what nerds.
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