Saturday, November 14, 2020

Thursday, November 12, 2020

When you really love someone 🎶

Yesterday, this child spit up in my mouth, vomited twice down my shirt and when I went to pick her up she was laying in an exploded diaper that wound up under my finger nails.

But damnit isn't she cute ? 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

See a penny pick it up

I wore glasses from 1976-2015. My mom always told me I was beautiful, even amongst the children who would taunt me about being"four eyes"

After I had eye surgery to implant lens in 2015, I started getting comments from friends and foes about how beautiful my face was and why did I cover it all those years (like I had a choice).

I guess after 5 years my mom forgot what I looked like in glasses.  

Yesterday at her house there were two pennies waiting to be picked up for luck in her driveway.  She took one I took the other.  I was trying to read the date on her American penny, and couldn't find the date on my Canadian one.  I asked Tarzan for his readers.

Mom, "I want a picture of that - you look old".

I guess I'm a beautiful old person. 🥰

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Creative genius alert

In my next life I want to name make up pallets.  

Couple starters:

Beauty and brains 
Glow it all 
Splendid red 

Friday, October 30, 2020

Intro to SLM

In a crazy year numbered 2020 but called unprecedented my biggest joy comes from the addition of this gorgeous girl - my granddaughter.  SLM is independent, talkative, opinionated and just fun to be around.  My heart.........

Saturday, March 21, 2020

My COVID19 post

Me "Hey REM, if I were actively blogging what would the name of this post be?"

REM (without a second delay) "10 days without sports"

Me "How about I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free.  That I can wear football garb while we're in quarantine🎼 🎵 🎶 

REM "Lol that works too"

Sunday, January 5, 2020