Thursday, June 25, 2009


Yesterday Tami sent me several pictures of lace. My epiphany as I was selecting the appropriate size and design was that her hands looked just like my mothers.
Now, I have often thought my hands look just like my mom's. But today I looked down and my hands looked dry and aged beyond both Tami's and my moms.

So, I started obsessing around 1pm. By 9 pm I started my moisturizing treatment.


Paula said...

Ugh, now you made me look at my own hands...mine look like G'ma O'Haver's hands...which always looked older than her years. now I'm going to go drag out my Mary Kay Satin Hands

Amy said...

Love Mary Kay Satin Hands! Wish I had some. Off the subject, what is the lace for?

Kim Thomas said...

Love me some Nivia.

Queen B said...

ugh... I hate personal care/maintenance

Anonymous said...

And my hands look just like my Moms. ( use plenty of moisturizer - on your whole body - and don't forget your neck!) Mom

Anonymous said...

Wow - your Mom and you girls do have the same hands. Paula - you have beautiful hands - my hands look like Gma O. They look much older than my years. Auntie Em