Monday, January 28, 2008

Where am I Parked?

If you have been on the phone with me when I leave or land at the airport, you have heard me say, "Where in the hell am I parked?". My new photo collection seems to be working. Haven't been lost in a week! PS Pocket Pal didnt work!


Jenn Ann said...

Thankfully I'm not the only person that finds it necessary to do this. :)

Paula said...

Never crossed my mind to do that!!! I don't have to worry about it at airports, but the grocery store is my problem. One of Alex's first full sentences was "Now where am I parked?" uttered the exact same second we walked out of grocery shopping.

Queen B said...

Paula - LOL!!!!

Jane - a great idea. During my whirlwind travel weekend, I made the mistake of putting confidence in myself that I would remember where I parked. Geez, on my best day I couldn't remember such useless information as that, and I was making myself remember through 4 flights???

Kim Thomas said...

I see no 22's in your parking future.....

Anonymous said...

I never use my cell camera but I will now. Thanks cause I have been known to take long walks around parking lots cause I'm actually trying to find my car....Auntie Em

Anonymous said...

Great idea! Mom