Thursday, December 12, 2013

Dell World 2013

The best part of my years at Dell was the friends I met in different cities and the connection to Texas.

As Dell alumni in the same zip code (one of these things is not like the other since she still is employed by the now private company) we opted for a Ms Pac tournament.

I won (this time). But as always KT was a difficult competitior, and we were all impressed with my tocaya's effort.
While Kim may be holding up the "I lost sign" I think this actually has to if more with the journey music that reminded he if Corey Monteith playing over head.


Diane said...

Lol kt in last photo! How fun!! The other Laura left Dell?

Sara said...

so so so so so happy you guys had your feet on Texas soil and that I was able to see your faces, give you hugs, and laugh a billion times :)

Unknown said...

Friends from Pasadena, CA are the best! (So I hear)