Saturday, April 6, 2013

Blogs that weren't

This week marked a strange milestone. It was the day that I have been in my new job at Dignity Health longer than my old "new" job at Dell (7 months and 2 days).

It wasn't a target I was aiming for and not really sure why I even noticed. Even odder that I noticed because my brain has been so fill its been difficult to multi task and notice random events like these.

The full brain is reflective in several ways;
1. I no longer get to hear Alice get sonic water everyday
2. Lunch dates/coffee talks are impossible to come by
3. Nails grow out too quickly
4. I haven't talked to Amy on the phone in 6 months
5. Do I know a Kim Thomas?

But more than anything the blog has become Instagram like. In my head (and on my computer) are drafts of some great events. The blogs that weren't include making a birthday candle with Dan, dress shopping for the Watson wedding event, driving at PIR with Ruth and Dad, when holidays should/shouldn't be celebrated.

I cleared some clutter out of my brain thus week. Looks like the blogs that weren't may get finished and published.


Amy said...

6 months? Really? That is just sad.

Sara said...

can't wait!!!

Diane said...

Glad I got to see you this week! I miss getting to talk to you daily.

Kim Thomas said...

I could just link to this post....mine is almost the same.