3 weeks ago I discovered WordFeud on Tarzan's phone. Since he is not a lover of word games I was perplexed (for those that care this word played in it's entirety without any bonus points would garner 23 points) and was happily informed that Jess downloaded it for him.
It has become my new addiction. I have made several new friends (random opponents ) and have invited both Kim (best word yet is Grosz on a triple word) and Tarzan (he even played fully loaded on Nyquil) to play several games.
Better yet, REM and CEM played a live game with me and are willing to be trained as competitors.
My highest score included in photo for any kudos (kudos =12 points ) that want to be given.
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I give unto thee chewy chocolate covered granola bars...
Oh, you were probably speaking of a different kind of kudos....do they even make the granola bar kudos anymore...my dad calls all chocolate covered granola bars kudos... I really need to start conversing with people again. :-)
SI want to play.
love competition!
I love playing board games with you from CA
You are so awesome! Mom
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