This post has less to do with "having to walk to school with no shoes in the snow" and more to do with "I remember when we got a microwave"
The microwave was this big mammoth electronic device on the counter. It had all of these cool buttons and lit up when dad put things inside. The first item I remember watching transform was a cube of butter. Dad toasted some white wonder bread and melted a whole cube of butter in the microwave. We then sat together dipping the toast in the butter. The second item that transformed was bologna. He made what the family fondly called bologna bowls. He would place them in the microwave and we would all watch as it hit the 20 second mark as it would curve up into these beautifully shaped works of art. On days that we were lucky he would shred cheese and the bowls would magically turned into holders of the melted goo.
.Ahhhh back in the day.
And to seal the memory yesterday dad sends me a picture (As Im in a meeting trying to decipher what the heck it is) of "two perfect balony bowls"
And while you ate Bologna bowls we cut hotdogs length wise in half (but not all the way through) put pepper and cheese in the middle and then started with 20 seconds......good times.
I have never heard of baloney bowls! And you know that I just put baloney (gak!) on my grocery list to do this with the kids. I believe I know what we are having for dinner tomorrow night before lacrosse practice! :D
Seems so wrong, yet curious to try...
Are childhood eating traditions are so crazy. I really love the butter though.
We made hot dogs in the microwave the night we got it. So cool! Your dad is hilarious for sending you that pic. Bologna is gross. Won't be trying this any time soon.
RO! That's an awesome flashback story :) complete with the modern-twist of mms!
I put a scoop of mashed potato salad in mine. Wow, it was good. But, really if you are not giving your kids bologna and cheese sandwiches, they are missing out.
My dad liked fried bologna.
Great story, with artwork and all. I don't think I've ever put bologna in the microwave, might be worth a try...
Thanks Dad for sharing!!
I wish it would work with canadian bacon or turkey pepperoni because that would make life really complete. yes to the cheese, a million times yes.
Geez, with all these comments I may need to do a food trick blog soon.
Aahh, the memories! Where does the time go? I am so glad you had me reflect. Remember mom's radishes? She would cut them, ever so carefully, and put them in cold ice water so they would "blossom"into a radish rose.
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