Barista (it was a boy do you still call them barista?): Welcome to Dutch Brothers what can I get for you
Me: I'll have an Large iced Kahlua Kicker, Strawberry-Mango Smoothie and a Medium Almond Joy
Barista: repeats order, and how about a smile with that
Me: what??
Barista: oh is the music too loud, I can turn it down?
Me: No its fine, and a smile is always a good thing
Barista: Well if a smile is good a free drink is always better (As he hands me a free drink card)
Me: oh dear it dropped
Barista: Ok I will use my light sabar to lift into into your car
Me: Ive got it its fine
Barista: Have a really good day
Me: Thanks
Kids: Mom he was so flirting with you
Me: Really?
REM: Oh come on mom he was going to use his light sabar