I have gone from annoyed that they are: too bright on the corner, walk up sucks going through the drive thru, logo is aged and why a coffee place versus a shaved ice.
To now officially impressed with flavor, cost and freebies (today was double stamp Tuesday and free t-shirts). Shut up KT
I have gone from mildly annoyed to super annoyed.
P.S. You are the only person I will agree to go there with.....
and only if I have to
P.S. Again: Hate the windmill
Hate the different fonts on the cup/logo
And I love having 5 comments already!
I have seen it...
just glad the corner looks pretty again.
I am with KT on the font issues, but am curious about the free T-shirts...
I'm glad KT mentioned the ridiculousness of the windmill on the cup...
I'd go anywhere with ya ;)
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