Barney Rubble ................................Fred Flintstone
In the course of a normal conversation one BFF says to the other, I really need to get a pedicure, the other says, "mine are pretty bad, I'll show you" (for those of you non-blackberry users this is reason #290 that I love my blackberry).
So ugly feet aside, who needs it more?
You are both in need but I vote Barney Rubble needs it more.
I think it's a draw. Looks like pedicure time all around :)
You are both badly in need, and might I say, Barney Rubble's feet are looking a little swelled...a pedicure may actually help that, too!
I hate feet!
1. I am not a fan of feet
2. I am a huge fan of the Blackberry. I have to get one.
3. I call it a serious draw, pedi time for the both of you!
Both could use one, but let Barney go first!
definitely the foot on the left.
When I first say the picture, I was wondering how you got a picture of my toes.
In line with Queen B, our feet are "freakishly" similar.
I vote for pedicures for everyone today.
Both should get a pedicure! (In fact, why not a whole spa day?!) I didn't take a "before" photo but mine looked just like this saturday morning!
Fred's pedi actually resembled the "new French" style where instead of white you have a funky fresh color . . . LOL!
Oh, go together - you both could use a good pedicure. Mom
I must say.... yes this came to me just right now.... toe be or not toe be.... that is the question!
I don't know why you girls just don't paint your nails yourself. It is much cheaper.
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