Thursday, October 18, 2007

Guiness Book of World Records

As a kid Paula and I decided we were going to get a place in history by having our own achievement in the Guiness Book of World Records.

Ok for those of you under age 30 you do not realize the significance of the world record book. Only the coolest people were in there: The tallest, the shortest, the fastest.

Paula and I read and reread the book for our entry. We decided early on that we couldnt (wouldnt) submit for the longest kiss or sports feat. Instead we decided we would get the worldest longest straw.

For months we worked on building the perfect straw after collecting a handful any restaurant we went to (we discovered early on that McDonald's was the worst because they straws were too big to try and connect with others). We would test the validity of the longest straw by one person holding the drink with the straw in it and the other sucking to make sure there were no leaks. I dont remember when/why we gave up on entering our achievement. I will tell you though--nobody had a better entry idea than we did!


Ruth Anne said...

I just remember the longer it got the harder it was to suck up.

Anonymous said...

I think this is a very clever idea and I am saddened that you never turned it in. Boo!


Kim Thomas said...

Surprise, surprise...I too tried to get into the book.

My cousin and I tried to make the worlds longest rubber band by tying them together.

Our favorite activity with the super long rubber band was start at the front stairs (at grandma's house) and stretch it through the entire downstairs and then let it go. We had to time this carefully (Our grandfather could not be home!) but our record was 4 times around the inside of the downstairs.

We were always so scared when we let it go....almost as scared as when we would try to electrocute ourselves but thats a story for another day......

Anonymous said...

I had completely forgotten about that!!! We were 'fruity' fun kids, weren't we? I'll have to tell Al about this...he'll never believe that I tried to get into Guiness when I was a kid! He gets a new idea about 1-2x a week.


Queen B said...

you so deserve to be in there!

Anonymous said...

I love that straw container, where is that pic taken at? It looks familiar