2011 was amazing and full. We are blessed beyond measure!
Highlights-Travels included: Utah, California, Nevada, Texas, Budapest, Todo Santos, Ohio, Jamaica and Indiana (and one staycation over 4th of July)
-Our backyard oasis is almost complete!
-Ash and Laura remain working in Healthcare IT. Laura is starting a new role with Dell at the end of January
Our brilliant children:-Lex equals school and work. Big news is that she started watching football, settling on her sisters team and cheering for the Colts
-Jess graduated from hair school and continues with school to get her degree. She is now working for Dell :)
-Miranda is experiencing high school including Homecoming and Winter Formal . She hates geometry, is preparing to drive. She sings and sings and sings.
-Rachel is sports. She made the school swim and basketball team. Her basketball skills have improved significantly, even making the coach's blog a couple times. She is also over achieving at academics
-Camdyn made the competitive soccer league and begins play in January. She loves fourth grade and is thrilled to have ELP to challenge her brain.
Lowlights-Our teams Chargers (Ash and Laura) , Cardinals (Miranda and Rachel) and Colts (Lex and Jess) are playing terrible (7-7, 7-7, 1-13) . Camdyn has selected the Patriots and is doing just fine at 11-3
-We only took the motorcycles out twice
*Ash hates this term. But we have determined it is much easier to say than the Shehata's, Young and McKay's