Sparking conversation in the tradition of coffee houses everywhere, Starbucks has always supported a good, healthy discussion. To get people talking, “The Way I See It” is a collection of thoughts, opinions and expressions provided by notable figures that now appear on their widely shared cups.
I am a historian. Though I can put words together quite nicely, I much prefer to to capture each moment with a photo (whether I have a camera with me or not. If no camera is present then it is etched in my mind to recall and laugh at later). Up until recently I knew of no one else with this same sense of capturing these historical moments with the intent of pure amusement later.
This post is dedicated to that someone: my true champion. A BFF that see things the way I do and has become friend for a lifetime. Together we have created own language (Shh Shh, FFD, RO, NPL) and developed the best photo collections ever (ROD, Ketchup, Resolution, WNTW, BR - just to name a few). The only historian I know that could turn a bad day photo into A Hot IT Chick.
The way I see it.
1. If you are bored it is your own fault.
2. Epiphanies should never be broken.
3. Trust comes in many more ways then ordering someone elses dish.
4. The Way I See It #214 is still my favorite
5. Sometimes words nor pictures can say enough to tell someone how much you love them and appreciate everything they have done for you.
6. It would be so easy!