Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Jane's House

Yesterday CEM sent me a text about cucumbers that was blog worthy.  I laughed and told a coworker who looked at me with the "hmmm okay look"

A couple hours later I went to a yoga studio as planned by Mairee. I made a comment about Jane as a nickname and she had no clue.  Trying to explain something that is almost two decades old that is so apart of your past and influential still in daily thought (yes CEM I realize the irony, I should post more)

Going to class and setting intention in a very interesting mindset - one where I am thankful for my health and body, where I want to get connected to my family and those that need extra love right now.  The intention was peace and healing.  Being true to one's self.

I wasn't the thinnest in the class, I wasn't the fattest.  I was far from the best but I wasn't the worst.  I found my own peace on the mat and instead of judging my legs where the skin is sagging I celebrated the strength.  Instead of being revolted by the scar on my right shin, I was thankful for the hiking memory of saving my nieces life.  I couldn't do the half moon but I could easily do the upright pigeon 

The session ended with the following words read by the instructor ; much of my confusion and sadness came from being disconnected from myself. the greatest journey i have taken so far is the one where i ended the alienation between me and all that i am, the one where i connected my light and my darkness, where i united what i wanted to know with what i did not want to face. only through this union and truthfulness did i begin to feel at home within my own being.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Kim is 50

HCBC started when I had children.  I blogged great when I was raising the kids because it was part of the routine. Empty nesting was not good for Jane Says. 

On the flip side Kim1Champ and WonderWatson lost the routine when Sydney's mom and Avery's mom began to evolve. And those blogs lost posts and traffic.

So, with a few bleak, non documented years behind HCBC.  The founders had a reunion of sorts with her collection for KTs milestone birthday. 

Age has treated us all well. We can't say the same for Teri.

Shout out to all the other Hot Chicks! 

ANTM 2024

Monday, April 25, 2022


I spent the weekend binge watching Emily In Paris.

Love her photos, love her captions, not sure I love the fashion......

But in a pure #emilyinparis context - here's #laurainla as seen at Burbank airport today 

Bag it.......

(Burnt bleached hair, cheap shoes and shirt and skin cancer on shoulder) But the best lashes and bags you can imagine. 

Monday, September 13, 2021

This happened - Rams.....

5 weeks in CA.  Cheering for the hometown team.  Damn that the Cardinals won the opening game. It's a new season in a new zip code 

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Thursday, November 12, 2020

When you really love someone 🎶

Yesterday, this child spit up in my mouth, vomited twice down my shirt and when I went to pick her up she was laying in an exploded diaper that wound up under my finger nails.

But damnit isn't she cute ? 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

See a penny pick it up

I wore glasses from 1976-2015. My mom always told me I was beautiful, even amongst the children who would taunt me about being"four eyes"

After I had eye surgery to implant lens in 2015, I started getting comments from friends and foes about how beautiful my face was and why did I cover it all those years (like I had a choice).

I guess after 5 years my mom forgot what I looked like in glasses.  

Yesterday at her house there were two pennies waiting to be picked up for luck in her driveway.  She took one I took the other.  I was trying to read the date on her American penny, and couldn't find the date on my Canadian one.  I asked Tarzan for his readers.

Mom, "I want a picture of that - you look old".

I guess I'm a beautiful old person. 🥰

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Creative genius alert

In my next life I want to name make up pallets.  

Couple starters:

Beauty and brains 
Glow it all 
Splendid red 

Friday, October 30, 2020

Intro to SLM

In a crazy year numbered 2020 but called unprecedented my biggest joy comes from the addition of this gorgeous girl - my granddaughter.  SLM is independent, talkative, opinionated and just fun to be around.  My heart.........